Wednesday 1 November 2017

1 halloween - scored 51,525 points

Dear Readers,

Wasn't sure what to do exactly for Halloween so I played the Halloween game for Atari 2600! There's an Angry Video Game Nerd episode about it as well so I know about it somewhat. I watched it again and the video came out like 9 years ago. Wow...

On playing the game and watching the episode again, I've learned more about the game first hand and now I can appreciate the more technical side of his review. It's not a bad game but the areas are very long to be traversing with a D-Pad. Taking the kids to safety on either side of the house can be tough when they don't always go on to the next screen with you and this can be annoying. Other than that and the rooms where the lights flicker, it's playable and enjoyable enough.

I played quite a few times and the best score I got was 51,525 points. I tell ya, the killer's theme does grate after a while! He also starts going really fast beyond that fifty thousand mark! Sometimes I couldn't get him to spawn anywhere but in my path and this often held me up.

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