Sunday 5 November 2017

6 super mario odyssey - the tank that doesn't have tank controls!

Dear Readers,

Now that I've chased the Broodals out of the Wooded Kingdom, I'm gonna go explore the place more.

The robots were still worried. This time it was about the Secret Flower Field being discovered by Bowser.

I captured a Sherm tank! Playing as a tank is pretty darn cool and aiming and moving works perfectly :) It's ironic how I'm playing as a tank but they aren't tank controls! It controls like a non jumping version of Mario :)

I shot a hole that led to the next section. I planted a seed that made a beanstalk grow. They're back :) also it's so good how I don't have stamina to worry about while climbing! SO GOOD!

Wandering In The Fog

I captured a rocket that lead to a very foggy bonus area with moon pieces. It was so foggy I had to use coins to guide me along. Very clever how the last piece was under the platform on which I entered this area :) Briefly it made me think of the days when fog had to be used in 3D games! It still happens but in this case it's just an artsy and fun thing.

Thanks For The Charge!

The robots were queueing up for the recharge station. One of them said "Patience expiring! Initiating passive-aggressive commentary!" which is an excellent piece of writing! :)

Love In The Forest Ruins

In the other direction were some Goombas and another Goomba with a hat and eyelashes. She disappears when I go near her but not when I'm a Goomba. She was on a high platform so I had to build a Goomba Tower to reach her. She got all blushy and heart fluttery and gave me a power moon! Yay :)

Behind The Rock Wall

With the Sherm I shot out obstructions in the wall so I could climb. In the top left of the wall was this power moon.

Flower Road Reach

Further on and to the right of the steep hill was a path that lead to a bonus area. In here I built up a Goomba Tower to reach this power moon.

Flower Road Run

Continuing to the end of the flowery path was this power moon. It got all interesting and I had to use wall jumping off of it at one stage :)

Elevator Blind Spot

I sped up the steep hill with this weird flower and reached a ledge on the right that lead to a bonus room. In here I used a Sherm to blast a distant wall on one end of the room to reveal a power moon.

Elevator Escalation

The Sherm tank RULES! The main part of this bonus area was centred around shooting at baddies with the tank and it had elevator sections! I couldn't mow enemies down unfortunately but I could shoot at purple currency to collect them :) this was great fun!

Back Way Up The Mountain

I pressed on and captured an Uproot. I stretched and broke a few blocks that revealed a 2D section with another sweet remix of the kingdom song :) At the end of this path was the power moon.

Path To The Secret Flower Field

I backtracked and used a Sherm to blast my way through the meadow and shot out the Bowser panels on the big mechanism that was rolling out destructive bomb rock thingies. Smashing this got me another power moon.

Defend The Secret Flower Field!

Just up ahead was a really fun boss battle!. A big machine was vacuuming up all the flowers. I ticked it off and it attacked. I used the Uproot stretching to hit its underbelly, its drones and also to hop over the rippling lasers. It felt pretty cool to do all this! After a few hits it was defeated and I got a multi moon.

I had enough power moons now to fly to a different kingdom. Will do next time!

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