Thursday 7 December 2017

33 super mario odyssey - gliding around the wooded kingdom

Dear Readers,

I continued exploring in the Wooded Kingdom and bought some explorer gear to look the part!

Exploring For Treasure

Actually I bought the gear so I could access this area in the Deep Woods restricted to explorers. It was just a room with a single chest inside.

Taking Notes: On Top Of The Wall

Wow this one was tough to do. I had to collect a bunch of notes while rolling quickly along a really narrow wall. I eventually got it but countless times I kept falling into the Deep Woods.

Nut Hidden In The Fog

I took the rocket to the special area that was covered with fog. I captured one of the first Paragoombas I saw and flew below its platform where I found a Power Moon bearing nut.

Wooded Kingdom Regular Cup

Koopa racing! This time I had to make a big drop before making a big climb to the goal. I did this in 00:35.53.

Wooded Kingdom Master Cup

More Koopa racing. The golden Koopa had the same idea I had for the route I took. I made it in 00:32.80 this time. This put me at 51,968 in the world rankings and second in friend rankings.

Wooded Kingdom Timer Challenge 2

At the recharge station there was a scarecrow challenge. Just some platforms to climb up quickly for a prize.

Herding Sheep Above The Forest Fog

In the Goomba patch I took a chimney warp to an area where a robot was trying to herd his sheep to the end of an obstacle course it had constructed. It was a bit awkward and I lost the sheep a couple of times but I managed to herd it in the end. Good thing it kept regenerating! "Shepherdry" doesn't seem like an easy life...

Herding Sheep On The Iron Bridge

I found a green pipe below this platform that took me to the higher isolated platform I saw along the way. There was another shepherding challenge. This time it was brief but I had to time it with a P Switch and everything. It was nice to give that first sheep a friend :)

Peach In The Wooded Kingdom

I met Princess Peach by hitting a P Switch near the secret flower garden and climbing up the platforms. She found a Power Moon inside a flower. She too was dressed in explorer gear :)

Lost In The Tall Trees

I used Glydon to fly over to a wooden crate high up in the branches of the trees he was facing. I tried to find this earlier but I was on the ground! The X mark doesn't account for height :)

Looking Down On The Goombas

With Glydon's help again I flew down to the tip top of the fence above the Goomba patch.

Secret Path To Tostarena!

I glided to another platform across the Goomba patch with one part sticking up out of it. On one of the sides was a painting that warped me to the Sand Kingdom.

Climb The Cliff To Get The Nut

I returned and dropped down to an area I hadn't explored yet with a note event and a Fire Bros. There was a nut at the end of this path.

Taking Notes: Stretching

For the note event in this area I had to use an Uproot to collect everything for the reward.

Hey Out There, Captain Toad!

I glided to the isolated platform to the east and Captain Toad was here. He wasn't sure how he got here though lol.

Above The Iron Mountain Path

Below the path to the secret flower field was a ledge with a P Switch. This made a flowery path that had a Power Moon along the way.

Invader In The Sky Garden

In the area where I fought the Broodals was a weird impromptu mini-boss! I had to make a tower of Goombas to reach its purple target on top. It attacked with spiky balls and spiky blades. Pretty interesting!

Wooded Kingdom Timer Challenge 1

Over at the Iron Road halfway point there was a scarecrow challenge with flagpoles to swing on to get the reward.

I Met An Uproot

A Bonneton way off on the northernmost part of the map wanted to meet an Uproot so I had to capture one and bring it all the way over to him. He was really happy though to do his research on one :)

Bird Travelling The Forest

I spotted a shiny bird flying around the Iron Road area. It flew low at certain points so I waited for it and nabbed its Power Moon :)

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