Saturday 30 December 2017

55 super mario odyssey - my return to shiveria, cosplaying as an ice climber

Dear Readers,

After finishing collecting all the Power Moons outside, I decided to go back to Shiveria to find more there.

Looking Back on the Flower Road

I went down the chimney near the well entrance. Here I had to activate flower paths by keeping Cappy on various scarecrows along the way. Doing this eventually brought me to higher ground and having to deal with Banzai Bills. At one point I spotted a sneaky Power Moon tucked away behind the first cannon!

Running The Flower Road

I just continued to the end of the flower path filled with Banzai Bills. If I had Cappy I would've been able to just ride a Banzai Bill to the end!

After this I finally went down the well and returned to Shiveria. I got a warm greeting and I found some hint art that revealed that Poochy appears in this game! Looks like the Lost Kingdom. I'll have to go back there later.

Shopping In Shiveria

I bought a Power Moon in the Shiveria shop.

Peach In The Snow Kingdom

I met Princess Peach in Shiveria as well. She was all bundled up in a warm black coat and hat.

I'm Not Cold!

Opposite the shop there was a guy talking about how racers only wear undies. I bought some and wore them and he gave me a Power Moon for braving the cold like this :) After this I bought and changed into snow gear. The hood makes me look a bit like an Ice Climber :)

Slip Behind The Ice

I climbed the pole at the bottom and reached a guy who was guarding a door. He let me through as I was wearing the snow gear now and I went through to a 2D platforming section with slippy terrain and lots of Spinies. Above the moon piece above the entrance were hidden blocks I used to to climb up to a Power Moon.

Moon Shards In The Cold Room

I used the Koopa to help clear out the Spinies so I could collect all the moon shards. I got stuck under the ice and got hit by the shell at one stage! Oh well! This isn't like other Mario games where the shell disappears when it goes out of view :)

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