Thursday 14 December 2017

39 super mario odyssey - mario of the caribbean

Dear Readers,

Now for more Power Moon hunting in the Lost Kingdom, this time involving lots of climbing.

I Met A Tropical Wiggler!

A Bonneter was near the stomping stairs and wanted to see a Tropical Wiggler, so I brought one over by doing a few stomps to get it across the steps and gaps.

Peach In The Lost Kingdom

Princess Peach was at the summit in explorer gear. She gave me a Power Moon as a souvenir :) yay!

Shopping On Forgotten Isle

I bought a Power Moon at the summit shop. Poor guy wasn't getting customers but he's admired by the corporate rep at least!

Jump Down To The Top Of A Tree

Off the ledge of Swamp Hill was a treetop where I could drop down onto it.

Caught Hopping In The Jungle!

On the rotating cross platform was a bunny jumping between the different points. By stretching I could be at more than one point at a time so this was a fun and easy catch!

Line It Up, Blow It Up

One one side of the rotating cross platform was one of those explodey grabby hands and on the other was a shiny bombable block. I had to line them up to break the block open!

The Caged Gold

I had to bait the grabby hand bomber thing that was on the same level as the cage to get it to smash open.

Taking Notes: Stretch And Shrink

Just off the other rotating cross platform was a note collecting event. I had to stretch around to collect them all. Tricky enough to do this in time!

Lost Kingdom Timer Challenge

Further up the mountain path was a scarecrow near the triangle flower patch. I had to quickly climb one of the trees at the start to grab the prize.

A Butterfly's Treasure

A very shiny and colourful butterfly was perched at the end of a long narrow ledge on the mountain.

Cave Gardening

A small cave in the same area as the butterfly had a little garden inside that hadn't blossomed yet.

Soon after this I bought the skeleton suit as my coins had maxed out. Very weird thing and with the pirate hat it made me look like something out of the first Pirates Of The Caribbean movie :)

Chasing Klepto

I went down the chimney around the corner from the garden cave and Cappy got capnapped by the bird again! I had to chase it around and stomp the odd platform to set him free. After this I pulled the lever.

Extremely Hot Bath

In the same area I captured a Lava Bubble and swam around the tallest platform. There was a Power Moon tucked behind there.

I couldn't find much more to do here so I banked my Power Moons. I have 429 now!

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