Tuesday 12 December 2017

37 super mario odyssey - imagine a cube-shaped handheld console with six screens! it would be stupidly cool!

Dear Readers,

I decided to leave for the Cloud Kingdom. When I was here before it was just the arena to face Bowser, but now I see there's a moon rock...

Peach In The Cloud Kingdom

Princess Peach was here too, admiring all the lovely clouds. She was wearing her sleeveless shirt and floppy hat. Nice surprise to see her here :) What's the uncharted island she's talking about? I guess I'll find out later.

Picture Match: Basically A Goomba

There was a pipe here and I went down for a picture matching game. Here I had to play a Mr. Potato Head style game with artwork of a Goomba's face in order to win a prize. Passing grade was 60 points and I scored 85 :) I like the little beret the Toad was wearing!

I hit the moon rock and it spread out a total of... 6 Power Moons. Small place I know.

Crossing The Cloud Sea

There was another platform beyond the moon rock one with a key on it. The clouds here were smaller and didn't last as long as the ones from the beginning of the area.

Digging In The... Cloud?

On the southeastern circle of the arena there was a rumbling spot.

The Sixth Face

I went down the chimney and transported to an awesome area that featured 2D sections all over a cube! There should be a real life version of this. It would be awesome :) Anyway I navigated until I found invisible blocks to reach a pipe that lead to a room with Fuzzies. This was kinda weird because I don't think Fuzzies were ever in 8-bit.

King Of The Cube!

The cool retro cube continued to the end where there was a Hammer Bro, one of the toughest enemies in Super Mario Bros 1. To make matters worse I had to face it while upside down!

Picture Match: A Stellar Goomba!

A more difficult version of the Mr. Potato Head puzzle from before but this time the colours were omitted and I had to score at least 80 points. I scored 88 :)

Taking Notes: Up And Down

I went to the eastern island, which had an action symbol painted on it. I stomped on it and it jumped into the air and it turned out to be a note event. I had to throw Cappy to collect some notes in lines. This was tricky because some of the notes were halfway up and I had to time it. I eventually got it after a few tries.

High, High Above The Clouds

On the western island it was another leaping platform, but this time I only had to jump across a few clouds to collect the Power Moon. It was interesting to look at them all from below!

I banked my Power Moons for a total of 405. That's this place cleaned out!

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