Sunday 24 December 2017

49 super mario odyssey - even more snowy bounding races for christmas

Dear Readers,

I banked my Power Moons from the beach and set sail for the snowy kingdom just in time for the season :). I now have 545 Power Moons banked!

The last time I was here a heavy blizzard covered the whole of the outside and I had to go indoors right away. Now it's all clear so I can explore :)

I activated the moon rock and it revealed a door behind.

Iceburn Circuit Class A

This door lead to more of that bounding racing I did the last time I was here. I didn't really feel like doing it but I did it anyway. It was longer than the previous course and it wasn't too hard.

Iceburn Circuit Class S

The same thing again but harder. I lost a few times and the desire to play got lower and lower so I stopped.

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