Sunday 31 December 2017

56 super mario odyssey - my snowline circuit class s record: 01:04.30

Dear Readers,

More exploring and bound racing in Shiveria.

Hat-And-Seek In The Snow

I found a Bonneter hiding on one of the race spectators

Forgotten In The Holding Room

I found a Power Moon in one of the tall stacks of crates in the waiting room.

Snowline Circuit Class S

Argh! More bound racing! I was in better humour for it this time at least. This track was the same as the first time I did this but more challenging. I was stuck in second position a long while until I bounded into first near the end. I got a time of 01:04.30, putting me at 237,003rd in the world rankings and at the top in my friend rankings. This didn't happen in a while so that was kinda nice.

After this I decided to leave for the next kingdom. I banked my Power Moons. I now have 581 :)

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