Thursday 18 January 2018

74 super mario odyssey - the sphynx's moon quiz brings up this game's terrible ending

Dear Readers,

I crossed the bridge from the second island of the moon to the Ringing-Bells Plateau checkpoint.

Cliffside Treasure Chest

I plucked a speedy flower and used it to long jump over the chasm to a long island in the west. There was a treasure chest here.

Taking Notes: On The Moon's Surface

Near where I found the special moon rock was a note collecting event. Here I had to long jump to an island in the east and back again.

This east island had a Power Moon floating way above and out of reach. I had no idea how to reach it so I just continued on to the Quiet Wall checkpoint on the next island.

The Binoculars makes this creepy sound when it turns its head slightly! It makes me think of Lizalfos from Zelda: Ocarina Of Time! :)

Moon Quiz: Amazing!

There was a Sphynx here. No doubt it appeared after I saved the day. It asked me what type of flower Mario offered Princess Peach :( I answered "Rocket Flower". I still hate this game's ending! I pressed for more questions and it asked me what animal can't be found in this land and I said "Sheep". On further pressing it asked what kind of rock fell on all the kingdoms and I answered "Moon". It then asked about the secret entrance to the Wedding Hall and I answered "Below The Bell". It reckoned I was guessing as it was tough to get up on that bell! Finally it asked me how it got here. I answered by floating sail(after a couple of wrong guesses) and it was flabbergasted!

Hidden On The Side Of The Cliff

There was another Power Moon floating above the Sphynx's head. I suppose I could've dropped down from the cliff above, but why take the easy way, when there's the fun long way? :) I jumped on the Sphynx's head and did various dive boosts and wall jumps to grab the Power Moon. It was fun doing those tricks with this gravity!

Sphynx's Hidden Vault

Finally I went into the vault that the Sphynx revealed for me and I opened up the chest inside.

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