Friday 26 January 2018

82 super mario odyssey - keeping yoshi alive by eating fruit and not burning to death

Dear Readers,

There's a lot more to the Dark Side than the Broodal boss rush! When I defeated them, the place opened up with more stuff to do, more pictures to snap, doorways opened up to new sections and some more Toad explorers arrived.

Breakdown Road: Hurry!

Behind the Odyssey was a door to this section and it was an absolute pain. It was a remix of that one sub level with all the Bullet Bills and crumbling blocks and then the Banzai Bills at the end I had to guide to the start. The difference was, this was a scarecrow level so I didn't have Cappy and couldn't capture anything. The key unlocked one of the Power Moons here.

Breakdown Road: Final Challenge!

I had to go underneath the platform with the key and long jump across single block platforms to the start and guide the Banzai Bill there. I couldn't capture it this time. I had to release the ZL button every time I jumped or else I would just go into a roll and fall off.

Yoshi On The Sinking Island

There was a chimney on the cliff ledge near the Hint Toad. Inside was a big lava area with Yoshi. I had to eat fruit and climb up the island really quickly as the lava was rising up and up. This wasn't easy as I had to get used to the tongue hanging controls and avoid the rolling spike logs. Wasn't easy!

Fruit Feast On The Sinking Island

Even more fruit to eat on the way to the top of the island and escaping. I had to grab it all for both Power Moons.

Yoshi's Magma Swamp

On the same platform as the Hint Toad and on the other side of some fruit was another chimney. This lead to a lava section with Yoshi eating more fruit. There was some fruit over the door and on the other side. Had to punch some invisible blocks near the door in order to reach.

Fruit Feast In The Magma Swamp!

Further on in the same section, I had some Piranha Plants to deal with as well as half-sinking platforms while eating more fruit. This remix was nicer than the original as I could just straight up eat the Piranha Plants, rather than have Cappy be eaten by them as a distraction!

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