Thursday 25 January 2018

81 super mario odyssey - broodal boss rush complete!

Dear Readers,

I got rusty again and died on all of the Broodals again at some point or other but I like to think I've sussed them all at this stage!

With Rango, when he goes into his razor blade hat I just run in circles. I doubt this is the most efficient strategy but it's working right now anyway. Also, his head and whole body is pretty skinny so it's not the easiest to make a land on it.

Then I got a protip about a 6 heart from a stem to the right of the pylon before the rush. Well! That made my life a lot easier!

I then learned that Captain Toad doesn't re-gift the Power Moon, not even a blank one. That one measly heart will have to do!

With so much practice though, I was able to get through to the mech boss much more quickly. I also beat it without any damage this time! I did have to be careful of its invincibility legs after the second hit.

After defeating them I got a Triple Moon and the King's Crown and Outfit! Woo!

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