Monday 29 January 2018

85 super mario odyssey - the darker side of the moon challenge

Dear Readers,

I thought I'd try the Darker Side of the moon's challenge this time. I was here before and I met my adoring fans and Mayor Pauline's live performance, but I didn't take on the actual challenge. Now's the time!

I immediately don't like the choice of music. It's the Cascade Kingdom music and I only like it in the game's trailer. As level BGM it gets very old. Being applied to a challenge level that requires repetition and practice isn't a good thing.

The hat miniboss thing gives a 6 heart for defeating it and it can be stomped on with a couple of long jumps from the top of the steps on the far side.

The wall jumping between poles was very annoying until I figured out I didn't have to move the analogue stick towards the wall at all. Then it became much easier!

Jumping between lava pools as a Lava Bubble is a pretty cool idea and I'm very happy the music changes when you get in the cannon!

Why are there freaking Koosh ball enemies on these narrow platforms where I have to capture an Uproot, whose form doesn't give me an attack? That's really stupid!

The freezing water obstacle was pretty clever.

I died immediately when I got to Yoshi. It seems like Yoshi equals death. I only needed him for the wall climb though.

The music changed again after this to the Wooded Kingdom music with the flowery path and everything. That was nice :) as long as it doesn't dwell on the Cascade Kingdom music!

When I hit the upside down scarecrow, I got pushed into the lava before I noticed the walls and platforms shifting! Gah!

The Sphynx was here as well and his prize was a 6 heart! I don't have to face that stupid hat boss at the beginning of the level for one now :) His correct answer being that he's never been to the Mushroom Kingdom. He had more riddles too. He doesn't have gardening skills. He asked what I will remember the most, which is kind of a weird question. I chose talking to a Sphynx and the correct answer bell rang out. Then he asked why he asks people questions. I chose that it's a chance to talk. He finally asked what final words he was saving for me and I answered "Thank you!"

He rewarded me with an insane amount of coins! About 600 I'd say! It was in the shape of... an exclamation point I think? He said his plan all along was to travel the world and make friends by asking questions. That's nice :) I'll remember it for next time. I'm taking a break from this challenge level.

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