Saturday 27 January 2018

83 super mario odyssey - i'm not allowed to play as a tank anymore. i have to play as yoshi instead :(

Dear Readers,

Still on the Dark Side of the Moon taking pictures, I dropped to the platform underneath the binoculars, which had a hatless scarecrow challenge and a chimney challenge.

Invisible Road: Secret!

This one was a repeat of the sub level with the purple goop spitting Piranha Plants and invisible platforms. No Cappy so I couldn't clean the goop and the platforms were tough to see without the goop! I managed to reach the halfway point with the doorway to the Power Moon in the wall.

Invisible Road: Rush!

Then I had to deal with the rest of the way and the big Piranha Plants at the end to win the prize. It was tough staying alive! I had to begin again but thankfully that midway blank Power Moon replenished my health. I was glad that these big plants lower their heads after spitting goop. That was my time to stomp them!

Yoshi Under Siege

I went into the chimney next to the last challenge and entered the New Donk City section where it was pouring rain and tanks were everywhere. This time I had to eat more fruit as Yoshi and I couldn't be a tank, so it wasn't as fun. This prize came from eating the first few berries.

Fruit Feast Under Siege

It really isn't fun playing as Yoshi in this level. The fruit was tucked away under platforms that were annoying to reach and the tanks kept respawning. I kept wishing I could just play as the tanks again but they don't eat fruit.

When I got the Power Moon I decided to shoot Yoshi with the tank, but I could only hatch him from his egg. Ah well.

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