Sunday 21 January 2018

77 super mario odyssey - i got my butt kicked by boss rush broodals. then i learned their names!

Dear Readers,

I decided to go back to the Dark Side of the moon. I didn't make any progress here last time. I still think it's kinda weird how the rabbits there don't speak. They look like villager NPCs.

I went to face the Broodals who had more hats to hit off and I also had to deal with the low gravity. The moon is their element I suppose!

I died a few times on green Broodal but then defeated him with just one heart left. I died on the girl Broodal and had to start all over again from the green one. Yikes :/

So yeah it's boss rush rules. Also, each time I lose, I have to start from outside the giant carrot, which means I have to zip across the line and run up the slope every single time. I also have to go through the dialogue which looks brief and I can skip but after so many times it feels like a big interruption.

I got good enough to pass the first Broodal with 2 hearts intact. I didn't go for the 6 heart thing yet. I decided to practise a bit first. On this same turn I defeated the girl Broodal! Thankfully her pattern wasn't as long and I could cut it short by hitting back her smaller projectiles. I did lose one heart though.

Purple Broodal next. He wanted to steal the Odyssey for himself! Rude! I managed to get 2 hits on him before dying. His purple goop puking pattern was pretty quick too.

I looked up the map and learned they all had names! Green one is Topper, girl is Hariet, purple is Spewart and lanky one is Rango. The lady with the golden Chain Chomp is Madame Broode. I'll face them all next time with a 6 heart!

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