Monday 22 January 2018

78 super mario odyssey - toppling topper, harrowing hariet, splattering spewart and reaching rango

Dear Readers,

I left to another Kingdom to get a 6 heart and back again to face the Broodal boss rush.

I lost it almost immediately to Topper and then died when facing Hariet. When I came to, I only had three hearts again :(

If I went for a 6 heart every time I'd have to go through more loading screens and cut scenes. I decided to just practise for another while.

I learned that Topper's pattern where he hides in his hat can be cut short if you hit the correct one before the others. His hat rumbles when its near and his murmuring gets louder as well.

I also defeated Spewart at one stage! On his final pattern he seems to cover the entire arena with purple goop so I had to clear as he was spewing for a safe spot to stand.

Rango was cross that I put them out of a job, ruined their reputation and made them unemployable. I lost to him pretty quickly. Still it was good I was even able to reach him.

I spent most of this time trying to suss Topper's pattern. It's tough trying to cut it short! I'll get it down with more practice. At least I've reached Rango, so I made some kind of progress.

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