Tuesday 23 January 2018

79 super mario odyssey - broodal boss rush progress: 1 hit on rango. sussing patterns to beat the rest quickly

Dear Readers,

This is my third post in a row talking about the Broodal boss rush at the Dark Side of the moon. I'm glad I learned their names, though it bothers me a little bit that Hariet's name is spelled with only one r.

One upside to these battles though is the 10 coin prize every time I land a hit on their heads! I profit if I make any progress at all so the coins are building up!

I was obsessed with finding out Topper's pattern in more depth! It seems his hat is a tiny bit smaller than the other hats when he does that hiding move. Also it helps to run around him while knocking hats off his head so he doesn't drop the whole stack on top of me. At one point I got good enough to get through with all 3 hearts intact! Yeah! :)

I cut Hariet's pattern very short when I hit the first bomb she drops while she's in flying saucer maniacal laugh mode. I lost a heart to her and to Spewart too unfortunately. Was no match for Rango then.

I also cut Spewart's pattern very short when I realised I could just knock his hat off at any time. After that I got one hit on Rango at least before dying!

After this I just kept dying to Topper again. Whew... I need a little Broodal break.

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