Wednesday 28 February 2018

11 radiant historia - this game's wacky time travel rules for the sake of storytelling

Dear Readers,

We left town to meet the agent for information in Lazvil Hills. We waited for three hours and started getting impatient.

Tuesday 27 February 2018

10 radiant historia - parting ways with rosch for another special intelligence mission

Dear Readers,

There's something mysterious about Heiss you know? It's not just the White Chronicle thing, there's an unsettling air of "friend or foe?" about him. It's mysterious as I continue this path.

Monday 26 February 2018

9 radiant historia - rejecting rosch and apprehending vlad

Dear Readers,

I decided to stick with Heiss and turn down Rosch's offer. He was disappointed and it was a little heart-wrenching to do this, but he handled it well.

Sunday 25 February 2018

8 radiant historia - my first destiny altering decision

Dear Readers,

Rosch offered me a position in his brigade. If I took him up on it, that would mean I would have to leave Heiss and the Special Intelligence Division. All of a sudden, the White Chronicle started glowing again!

Friday 23 February 2018

6 radiant historia - heiss visits me in hospital

Dear Readers,

Heiss came to visit me in the hospital. He had praise for me and told me about the news in the war that was going on. We had made progress in taking back lands thanks to the intel from our spy. He also said Raynie and Marco will be joining me again on my next mission.

Thursday 22 February 2018

5 radiant historia - the beautiful long blonde haired princess eruca

Dear Readers,

The scene changed to Granorg Palace. Leaning on a railing was a beautiful Blonde Girl with long hair and blue eyes. A soldier addressed her as Princess Eruca...

Wednesday 21 February 2018

4 radiant historia - my first trip to historia and my first time travel trip

Dear Readers,

Lippti and Teo finally introduced themselves to me and revealed that they transported me to this place called Historia. Name dropping the title :)

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Monday 19 February 2018

Sunday 18 February 2018

Saturday 17 February 2018

9 monster hunter stories - the forbidden land and the end of the very long demo!

Dear Readers,

Dan went to investigate some of the Black Blight. I wasn't allowed to because it was in the Forbidden Land. However, my character wanted to prove himself to be a true Rider by going to solve the problem before Dan because maybe then Riders would be allowed to go adventuring further.

Friday 16 February 2018

8 monster hunter stories - chasing yian kut-ku back to its nest, unlocking fast travel

Dear Readers,

It turns out Yian Kut-Ku wasn't defeated but it had retreated to its lair, so we chased after it to its nest to fight again. This time it had an anime pulsating vein symbol on it, which meant that it was extra angry and vicious. It was also able to use the tackle attack again.

Wednesday 14 February 2018

6 monster hunter stories - fighting iodrome and saying goodbye to my friends

Dear Readers,

The next morning, back at the village, we were chatting with Lilia and Cheval about what happened the day before and about the Black Blight.

Tuesday 13 February 2018

5 monster hunter stories - trying out my new aptonoth and fighting the glutton arzuros

Dear Readers,

Dan gave me a quest to make 5 potions through combining Herbs and Blue Mushrooms. I had more than enough of the former, but only enough of the latter to make 3 potions. I went out to gather more.

My new Aptonoth has an ability to find and identify plants on the map with some weird sonar thing. That's pretty cool! :) Also very handy for this quest!

Monday 12 February 2018

4 monster hunter stories - easing back into the demo; fishing, bug catching and egg stealing

Dear Readers,

It's been nearly six months but I had to return to this demo! I want to delete it to make room for another demo, but I wasn't sure on whether or not I wanted the full game yet.

The next day Chief Omna rhymed congratulations to us and told us the Smithy and Merchant were now ready for our business. We met Lilia who congratulated us too and now we could do 1 star subquests.

Sunday 11 February 2018

5 dragon quest builders - demo part 5: exploring the rest of the island

Dear readers,

Since it was the end of the demo and plot development, I decided to explore the outside world as much as I could!

Saturday 10 February 2018

4 dragon quest builders - demo part 4: monsters attack the base!

Dear Readers,

Rollo told me that monsters were planning to attack our base! The game was kind enough to ask me if I was ready to be attacked so that was nice. I made some healing creams and got ready...

Friday 9 February 2018

3 dragon quest builders: demo part 3 - building a kitchen and some pots (instead of breaking them)

Dear Readers,

Pippa was working in the workshop and got hungry. She wanted to have lots of different kinds of food available, so she gave me blueprints for a kitchen!

Thursday 8 February 2018

Wednesday 7 February 2018

1 dragon quest builders - demo part 1: making a new home with the sassy pippa

Dear Readers,

This game is coming out in a few days so I thought I'd try out the demo! It was on PS4 but now it's on a Nintendo console where it belongs :)

Tuesday 6 February 2018

90 super mario odyssey - exploring and mingling in the mushroom kingdom

Dear Readers,

I decided to stay and explore the Mushroom Kingdom a little more and chat with everyone. I didn't stick around that long last time I was here.

Monday 5 February 2018

89 super mario odyssey - cashing in on a ton of toadette's achievements

Dear Readers,

I went to the Mushroom Kingdom to visit Toadette. I had a lot of cashing in to do since I saw her last time!

Sunday 4 February 2018

88 super mario odyssey - darker side complete! long journey's end... shut up, cappy!

Dear Readers,

Well, I got past the Pokio part! After that I had to face 2D Donkey Kong. At this point, both of my Joy-Cons were complaining about low battery.

Saturday 3 February 2018

Thursday 1 February 2018

2 lost sphear - getting to know my buddies, more attempts at the charming sherra boss fight

Dear Readers,

I'm trying out the demo again, but this time I'm taking more time to learn about various skills and items and stuff. I just ran around clumsily last time!