Monday 12 February 2018

4 monster hunter stories - easing back into the demo; fishing, bug catching and egg stealing

Dear Readers,

It's been nearly six months but I had to return to this demo! I want to delete it to make room for another demo, but I wasn't sure on whether or not I wanted the full game yet.

The next day Chief Omna rhymed congratulations to us and told us the Smithy and Merchant were now ready for our business. We met Lilia who congratulated us too and now we could do 1 star subquests.

Hmm... I forgot about the loading times for this game... The frame rate isn't great either. Maybe it'd be better on a New 3DS?

A Cheeky Lad asked me to catch 3 Sushifish for him and I accepted. A Quiet Lad asked me to catch 2 Bitterbugs for him and I accepted that too.

Dan congratulated me for my quest back then and gave me another story quest about finding a monster egg and bringing it back to the village. He also told me about the Prayer Pot, which I can use to add boosts to luck and whatever. I just did the free pray thing for now.

The frame rate may not be stellar but the world is very nice and colourful! I ran towards the lake with Navirou and my Velocidrome. I went fishing on the pier. I only caught Whetfish.

I moved to a different spot to another cluster of fish and caught some Small Goldenfish and some Sushifish I needed for the subquest. I also fought a Hermitaur that was trying to disturb us. It was using technical attacks so I used power attacks.

I found a lost Poogie at the bottom of a waterfall :)

I went towards the story quest marker and came across some kind of jump pad for my Velocidrome to jump across to the monster lair. There was also a bush where I caught 2 Bitterbugs for the other subquest I had going, so that was nice :)

The monster lair had one big room and a nest room. I got tutorials and some lovely puns from Navirou about running off with eggs. There's a chance the parents could come back but there's lots of stuff to collect. I guess there's a risk and reward thing for grabbing as much stuff as possible before running off with an egg.

Carrying an egg slows me down a lot, at least until I get out of the nest room. After that the egg is securely mine and I can more around outside normally again.

Back at the village, Dan was very happy I finished this quest. I also delivered the Sushifish to the Cheeky Lad and the Bitterbugs to the Quiet Lad. We get experience points and items as rewards :)

I had a chat with the Stable Paw. The tutorial says I can house up to 200 Monsties and 12 eggs in the stables. I hatched out an Aptonoth! New Monstie for me!

Afterwards I went to see Chief Omna. He talked about the Black Blight. The answer is something to do with Kinship Stones. The better relationships I have with my monsties, the stronger the stone will be.

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