Thursday 1 February 2018

2 lost sphear - getting to know my buddies, more attempts at the charming sherra boss fight

Dear Readers,

I'm trying out the demo again, but this time I'm taking more time to learn about various skills and items and stuff. I just ran around clumsily last time!

I restored more points on the map and checked out a shop at Torgo's Stall. He had an item called Phoenix Tears, which is this game's equivalent of Phoenix Down from Final Fantasy. That was fun to see :)

I got to know my characters a little better too:

I am Kanata and I have this weird ability to restore the blank spots in the world. My weapon is a sword. I have a bit of an emo hairstyle. I have a healing move called Aura so I'll use that more this time!

Van has the projectile weapon that can go through enemies in a line of sight. Looks a bit like drill bits or something. He's got white hair. I'm guessing he's a best buddy or something.

Lumina is the female and fights with her fists, I guess like Tifa in Final Fantasy VII. May be a childhood friend or love interest I dunno yet.

Obaro is an older guy with a mustache and fights with a spear.

The vulcosuits all have names as well but I don't know anything else that's special about them.

I chatted with the imperial soldiers. They all had their own names and something slightly different to say.

I fought the same minor enemies like bats and Sandies. There were also these stronger enemies that didn't bother us if we didn't bother them, so I left them alone.

Galdra took the lead when we got to the cave. We were all Lv18 but he was Lv20. He's like an Imperial army high ranking official and heavily armoured, but he seems pretty sound. Compared to Aronus anyway who sounds pushy and is almost definitely evil.

I accidentally used Aura on myself instead of Lumina. I tried to use it on her the next turn but there's a cooldown period of 2 turns for it :( Cooldown sucks and I don't see what the point of it is.

I found a Southern Cross behind a wall for myself and equipped it.

I fought Sherra again. This time I fought her with the vulcosuits, attacking and healing as we fought. She and her cohorts were still able to hit pretty hard and I ran out of energy! Before I could replenish anything we got our butts kicked again!

I tried again but I had to start a new game from the start of the demo. I used the + button to fast forward events this time. I had to hold it down and it was useful, but it's not actually fun to hold down a hard button like the Joy-Con's + button.

We made our way to Sherra again and got our butts kicked by her again and very quickly this time! Maybe because we hadn't fought much on the way here this time I dunno.

But yeah I think that's it for the demo! I'd like to be able to save properly before I do anything else, which means going for the full game. This was a good demo and the tutorial was decent, though I did feel a bit like I was thrown into the deep end.

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