Monday 19 February 2018

2 radiant historia - trying out the 3x3 matrix battle system

Dear Readers,

We continued around the building, mingling and finding treasure chests before leaving.

This building has a training area and a tavern for the soldiers. Also a reception desk and some weird thing going on in the basement to which we don't have access yet. It's called a "thaumatech experiment", whatever that is.

I learned that pressing any of the directional buttons advances the dialogue! Just like in Dragon Quest :)

We didn't do much mingling in town before leaving. At the gate I heard a voice behind me. A dude with huge armour and long blonde locks of hair named Rosch called my name. He said he had a bad feeling about my mission. Turns out that his gauntlet makes up one of his arms that he lost and it's thaumatech. Between this and the vision I got earlier, that's not a good sign...

But yeah, graphics are gorgeous, loading is fast, music is great and the voice acting is great too! Some great production values here :)

Hmm... looks like the world map is areas you have to select to move there. We left Alistel to go to Lazvil Hills N.

Marco and Raynie wanted to show me a shortcut. I followed them into our first battle! I got to learn about the 3x3 matrix of enemy positions. I love the font of the menu options here too. All italicized and everything is so crisp and clear! Man I miss the DS generation...

It started raining. We continued along the shortcut and the scene cut to two men crossing the bridge behind us. High Colonel Dias, a very beautiful and serious looking man who seems to be from the opposing army and a heavily armoured subordinate named Palomides The Executioner.

We got to the rendezvous point and Marco told me a little about how they used to be mercenaries before they lost everything and Heiss took them in.

Our spy came along but we had to rescue him from Granorg Soldiers who were chasing him. I got another tutorial involving 5 enemies and pushing one into another and attacking both while in the same square. Very interesting battle system! Not too complicated and fresh enough to be enjoyable so far!

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