Thursday 15 February 2018

7 monster hunter stories - learning about multi-player battles and hunting yian kut-ku

Dear Readers,

I met Dan at the top of the village and he showed me how to battle other Riders.

With Rider battles, the Rider and Monstie attack the opponent's Monstie. Interesting take on the battle system and Dan explains it pretty well. This is also how multi-player works in the full version of the game. There is no co-op. I managed to defeat him, but it was kinda tricky and I felt like I struck it lucky...

He then gave me another quest. He wanted me to investigate a Yian Kut-Ku in the Old Mine in the rocky section of Pondry Hills. He also gave me a Fire Resistant Talisman. This demo is packed!

We set out towards the Old Mine and met a Catavaner. Their cart had a wheel stolen from it by Yian Kut-Ku, also known as The Veteran. It went to the other side of the lake, so we toddled along after it. It didn't take too long for us to catch up.

Yian Kut-Ku came up as two parts, Head and The Veteran. I had Aptonoth observe it. For the Head it had a technical tendency, strong to fire and weak to... I guess that symbol is ice. The Veteran had the exact same information so it was all the one. I stuck with Aptonoth since it tended towards power. Navirou said that I could get stuff by attacking body parts, so I kept doing that.

Eventually I knocked the item off of its head, which stopped it from using the tackle attack! Neat :)

Aptonoth had a Forage move, but it didn't replenish much HP... Oh well. Every little helps and it doesn't take up a turn by itself :)

This battle took ages and I had to heal almost constantly. I'm not sure how that warranted an S rank!

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