Wednesday 21 February 2018

4 radiant historia - my first trip to historia and my first time travel trip

Dear Readers,

Lippti and Teo finally introduced themselves to me and revealed that they transported me to this place called Historia. Name dropping the title :) calls it a "Title Drop", though they just said "Historia", not "Radiant Historia". Still!

They both have amazing voices, well suited to their calm, ethereal personas. Especially Lippti! Her voice is lovely.

We spoke about the events that lead to my defeat and they told me I had the power to alter the world's fate since I was the holder of the White Chronicle. I was exasperated and still in pain over my fallen friends and could barely believe them. They showed me what I was able to do...

I found myself in the past to just before our spy got killed. Another chance! I pushed him out of the way and he lived on. Then I decided we go south instead of north like last time. We reached the barricade and Lippti & Teo appeared to grant me the power of superhuman strength to move the crates out of the way.

Right away we faced more soldiers. Their plan was to drive us towards the bridge with that barricade! Now we got the jump on them :)

Soon afterwards we escaped and everyone was all safe and smiles, but I still had the wounds from Palomides. I fainted and returned to Lippti and Teo in Historia. They explained more about the White Chronicle and how I can change time, but not just any old thing. Gotta set rules for the game and its plot devices after all I suppose :)

There's exposition and explanation in this scene but man... this game really needed it! It answered all the questions I needed answered right now :) also, I'm not able to reveal anything about the White Chronicle to anyone, not even Heiss, who gave me the book. I came out okay after my wounds and everything.

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