Thursday 22 February 2018

5 radiant historia - the beautiful long blonde haired princess eruca

Dear Readers,

The scene changed to Granorg Palace. Leaning on a railing was a beautiful Blonde Girl with long hair and blue eyes. A soldier addressed her as Princess Eruca...

Princess Eruca went to the meeting to see her mother, Queen Protea. She had lots of glamorous jewellery but had purple hair. According to the story, all the bad stuff that was happening was because of her. Eruca's idea to help the people of their kingdom was rejected by the queen and Selvan. They briefly mentioned the misfortune of Eruca's brother Ernst when he turned against the family... The game pulls no punches in making Queen Protea a big villain!

Eruca stormed out past Selvan, the guy with all the big ideas. she made up her mind to do something about all this and the scene shifted back to me in hospital.

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