Thursday 8 February 2018

2 dragon quest builders: demo part 2: rescuing rollo and learning about which city this was from dragon quest i!

Dear Readers,

Pippa wanted me to find the "weird guy" she met so he could live with us in our new city, so I went out looking for him.

I went to the quest marker and found a freshly lit bonfire but he wasn't here. Another quest marker pointed to a mound of dirt and he was buried underneath by monsters! I dug him out and he thanked me and introduced himself as Rollo. I brought him back to the settlement as night fell. The cave theme from DQI played during the night.

When I brought Rollo back, he took the second bed! Ah well, I was still able to wake him up to ask for a new quest. He wanted me to bring a Chimaera wing back to show him.

I followed the quest marker and found an area with lots of Chimaeras. They were pretty formidable! They could all attack at once and shoot fireballs at me too! Still strange to see real-time combat in Dragon Quest!

There was a big tower of earth blocks with a treasure chest on top so I climbed it, even though I had to deal with fireballs flying around me. I got to the top and found another seed of life. Woo!

I then experienced my first death! I jumped off the tower to test for fall damage and yes, this game has it. DQ games don't usually have it. It's not uncommon for my party to jump down holes to lower floors or even clear off the top of a tower. Unfortunately that test was too much and I died on the spot. I dropped a chunk of my stuff and I was able to go back and collect it. Luckily it keeps that DQ tradition of not sending me back to reload a save and I love that :) it's one of my favourite things about the series.

I got some feathers and crafted some Chimaera wings for Rollo. It turns out that he's some kind of scholar and recognises me as the legendary builder sent by Rubiss.

Rollo told me more about Cantlin. It was a well fortified city and even had a Golem protecting it. Up until now I was wondering which city Cantlin was from the original game and now I know! I remember facing the Golem pretty well! :)

Well this demo has convinced me! I wanna get the full game now :) it's got good gameplay and it connects to the lore very nicely as well! But hey, the demo goes on...

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