Sunday 18 February 2018

1 radiant historia - trying out the demo, everyone looks and sounds absolutely gorgeous!

Dear Readers,

This game is making its true debut in Europe so I thought I'd try out the demo! It has 30 uses.

On startup, it notifies me about differences between the demo and the full version of the game. There are also two different modes, Perfect and Append. Perfect is for people who have played the original game before. Nice options to have! I went with Append since it's my first time. I picked the easiest mode as well. It says there are fewer battles so that might end up being really nice.

Then the anime inspired intro played with a song, showing the characters in the game kicking butt. Some of the girls are really cute!

Then it has two sprite characters with big ears standing in the desert with voiced dialogue, a brother and sister. They had been trying to rewrite history but have failed once again.

The dialogue progression has an auto option like in a visual novel. I like this a lot :) good thinking!

The prologue text introduces my character, Stocke. I'm not a silent protagonist. I was reporting to Heiss. He assigned me to go on a rescue mission with two subordinates. He also gave me an old book called The White Chronicle. It was blank. Heiss told me to consider it a lucky charm.

I get to move. My first impressions are that the spritework and other visuals like the menu, the greys and font are absolutely gorgeous! This must've been a carry over from the DS generation. That era had the best RPGs ever!

I left Heiss' office and met my two subordinates, Raynie and Marco. Raynie's one of the cute girls I saw in the intro! She's absolutely gorgeous with her long shiny black hair :) Marco then is an impish and well armoured little dude. Raynie uses spears and magic, Marco uses swords and specialises in healing and intel. They seem very likable :) and the character art is all round gorgeous and with lovely colours.

Suddenly the White Chronicle started glowing and I got a vision of the two of them... lying down dead in a wet muddy field. Yikes... I didn't mention it to them.

We went upstairs and found a save point. The save slots with a 3DS symbol were greyed out and the ones with the SD card symbol were the only ones I could use. Nicely presented!

Everything loads so quickly as well. I like everything about this game so far! :)

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