Saturday 10 February 2018

4 dragon quest builders - demo part 4: monsters attack the base!

Dear Readers,

Rollo told me that monsters were planning to attack our base! The game was kind enough to ask me if I was ready to be attacked so that was nice. I made some healing creams and got ready...
The screen did the swirly effect for an encounter from DQ1 and its battle theme played too! Skeletons ganged up and approached the base from the side with the sign on it. Rollo and I fought them off. I was able to attack them from behind and let them get aggro on him so that was handy. We defeated them so that was nice :)

Rubiss told me more about invasion battles and even dropped Spider-Man's "great power and great responsibility" line before leaving for a while.

A new visitor named Larouche arrived at the base. He was sceptical of the town idea, but he liked what he saw.

Rollo asked me to build a teleportal out of the blue tablet fragments I had plundered from the invading skeletons. Then he asked me to build a giant mallet using a recipe inspired by Hammerhoods. I would meet them by using the teleportal, but that's where the demo ends! I gotta say, it was pretty good :)

It did the cool wavy warp thing from earlier games, gave a message about it being the end of the demo and allowed me to continue playing at the base. I assume the save function will let me continue on in the full game too.

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