Wednesday 7 February 2018

1 dragon quest builders - demo part 1: making a new home with the sassy pippa

Dear Readers,

This game is coming out in a few days so I thought I'd try out the demo! It was on PS4 but now it's on a Nintendo console where it belongs :)

The first thing I did was to speed up the message speed. A very important option to have! There's also inverted settings for the camera, which is nice :)

The game starts in the Dragonlord's throne room! This is the world of the original Dragon Quest! I assume it's what happens when the hero makes the bad decision at the end of the game? We see the proposition being played out here but not the answer.

It's weird how the text doesn't advance unless you press the A button :( that's uncharacteristic. Usually any button does that, even the directional inputs. That's one little lovely thing about the series.

I wake up after a long slumber to a voice calling me. It's tutorial/video game school time! The music is the same as the one from DQIII's cave theme, which is a nice throwback. Technically it's the same world I suppose.

I have a jump button in a Dragon Quest game! Then again, I suppose it is a spin-off. Having real-time action in general is pretty unusual when it comes to this series. The recent marketing push for this series in the west however has mostly been for these spin-off games.

This game isn't in 60fps... ah well.

I have a power that no one else in this world has, to build things right out of raw materials. Sweet :)

I assume the voice is that of the goddess or something. It's the tutorial voice and my character is pretty impatient so the voice sighs a lot. This is pretty different to Minecraft on Wii U's tutorial...

The text is pretty small unfortunately.

With my new skills I place blocks to make steps and climb out of the crypt.

The voice calls me a "creator" rather than a "builder", which is kinda weird. The voice is Rubiss! That's a familiar name! :) I haven't played the original DQ trilogy in a long time... She says I'm not a hero.

I emerge in Cantlin, which is now swarming with monsters. It has the overworld music from DQI, which is lovely :)

Rubiss gave me a Banner Of Hope and a beacon shone from some ruined settlement. I placed it there and the music from DQIV's town night theme played.

A girl named Pippa showed up, drawn by the light. She wanted a place to stay, so I filled up the walls of the dilapidated house pointed out to me. She was pretty happy with a house just two blocks high and no roof for some reason! She was so impressed with my ability to place blocks that she gave me some white petals. Woo! They'll replenish HP I guess :)

But yeah Rubiss was right. The people of the world had forgotten all about building and creating. Made me wonder how people actually live, especially with the monsters everywhere.

For the next couple of quests, I had to make torches and place them in the house. Also got a bit of Pippa's sass, but at least she was eager to understand the idea of creating and building. She gave me a seed of life too, which was nice! In regular DQ games, I often hoard these because I never know who to give them to, but since I seem to be solo, I snarfed it right away for a max HP boost :)

Next I had to make straw mattresses. This time I had to gather materials, but luckily it was just blades of grass, which were growing wild around here, even inside the house. I made two of them and placed them in the house. I have a clock in the top right of the screen always, so I don't need to make a clock like in Minecraft :)

Pippa wanted something to eat, specifically plumberries. I went out to the nearby trees and picked 5 of them. She gave back three. Then she suggested making something to store all the resources I've been gathering, so I made a chest out of the many broken branches lying around. After this, she got more and more ambitious and wanted to come up with more ideas for this city I'm trying to restore.

Pippa wanted to become a builder herself! She gave me some blueprints to build a workshop. I placed the blueprint in the clearest corner of the settlement and moved the mason's workstation there.

I had to gather 48 earth blocks. One nice thing about this game compared to Minecraft is I can mine several blocks at once :) That's pretty cool!

After some more gathering, which included having to bash a Slime, I was able to follow the blueprints to the finest detail and built the stonemason's workshop. Then the whole structure lit up and the game recognised it. I really like this :) it's more rules than Minecraft of course, but it feels good to follow the guideline. Pippa also said she's gonna create stuff and store it all in the chest for us to use. That's pretty nice :)

Pippa then wanted to invite more people to live in this city we're gonna build and she told me of a weird guy she passed by on the way here. She wanted to invite said weird guy to live with us. She's a bit weird herself...

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