Wednesday 28 February 2018

11 radiant historia - this game's wacky time travel rules for the sake of storytelling

Dear Readers,

We left town to meet the agent for information in Lazvil Hills. We waited for three hours and started getting impatient.

Raynie suggested going to the Alma Mine to meet the informant. Then I got a choice to go or wait. I decided on waiting.

Then Lippti and Teo appeared. They told me the informant wasn't coming and there was ANOTHER chronicle, the Black Chronicle! The bearer was someone who was trying to destroy history. They didn't know who this bearer was as they weren't omniscient. Argh! Come on! I know this makes sense for the story and it continues to be good and exciting but still... come on :P

Then they explained that if I went to the OTHER timeline and met the informant THERE, then I'd be able to meet him in THIS timeline HERE.

Ohhh my gosh... This game and its time travel rules! But hey, I'm not going to worry about this sort of thing and just try to enjoy myself! :)

I love time travel stories after all. Also, that line from Basil Exposition in Austin Powers 2 is an excellent one :)

I went back to Historia and went back in time to choose the Alma Mine option. Afterwards a short story scene played out with the mine on fire followed by some bad ending epilogue text. A short battle was won there but then the Granorgians pushed back and took over Alistel. That was summarised graciously! I returned to Historia again! :)

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