Saturday 24 February 2018

7 radiant historia - the beautiful doctor sonja with holly in her hair

Dear Readers,

Another beautiful girl appeared when I tried to climb the stairs.

It was Sonja, a brunette with her hair gorgeously decorated with holly and berries! Wow! They went all out with the character design in this game :) everyone looks incredible! She was on her way to visit me in the hospital.

After chatting with her a while, a purple coloured soldier with a dark aura came down the stairs and tried to attack. Rosch appeared in the nick of time and put him against the wall. After some interrogation, the soldier turned into a mound of sand!

We all gathered in my hospital room. Sonja explained that this happened because of the Sand Plague and possibly the recent desertification that was going on. She also said that we should keep it a secret.

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