Saturday 3 March 2018

14 radiant historia - a dude recognises me from the other timeline for some reason

Dear Readers,

I had two choices at this point: To wait in ambush for Selvan's troops or to send scouts to find the explosives merchant.

I decided to send scouts. I was thinking of the other timeline, where I wasn't able to meet the informant.

Then Lippti and Teo appeared! They told me the merchant was killed in the other timeline, so he wouldn't appear here. I would have to go to the other timeline to save him. Also, I was able to meet the informant in the other timeline now :)

I went to Historia and travelled to the point where we were supposed to meet the informant. When I got there, I decided we should keep waiting. This time he showed up! He was the same one we met at the mine in the other timeline!

"Have we met?" he asked me. This is a little confusing :P

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