Monday 5 March 2018

16 radiant historia - nasty bear traps in the sand fortress

Dear Readers,

After rescuing Tarquin, we continued on our way towards the Sand Fortress, through an area called Judgement Cliffs E.

We met a man who was struggling in the area. He said there were worm-like creatures here that burrow underground and enemies that can't be moved in battle. I chose the Friendly mode, but it was still good to know. We got through without much hassle and moved towards Sand Fortress S.

We went over our plan. This was now enemy territory, so the idea was to just move on quickly through from the first floor to the third and through to Gran Plain.

The place was pretty big and spacious. There weren't any enemies but I stood on some kind of bear trap I couldn't see! That wasn't cool... There were some more inside as well. Some soldiers as well, but not many on the ground floor.

We didn't have to explore this place, but it was still kinda fun! It was very empty apart from some soldiers I could whack quickly for some level ups. We got up to Lv15! Those hidden bear trap things were not fun at all though. They didn't do much damage but they were nasty little surprises.

We got to the top and 5 soldiers attacked for a battle. One of them was a captain. It was a mishmash of hitting them all around into one another, but they were beatable and weak against lightning.

After beating them, we broke on through to the other side and towards Gran Plain SE.

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