Saturday 10 March 2018

21 radiant historia - a new mission and a taste of office politics

Dear Readers,

Kiel brought me to see Doctor Sonja. She thanked him and he got all flustered :) It was time for my check-up on the wounds I got before.

I had healed fully but I got advice from her on not pushing myself too hard. Rosch then entered the room, saying he had been looking for me. We had to go see Lt. General Raul for another mission. He stayed behind briefly to talk to her about my condition, since I was all quiet and stoic about everything. She was very worried about both of us and gave out to him about us taking care of ourselves. After this, we went to Raul's office together.

Hugo was in the office with Raul when we arrived. He addressed us as if we had gotten promotions. Man... even in a quiet office he had a booming, ceremonious voice! :)

Raul gave us another mission about meeting an informant at the Judgement Cliffs.

He then revealed that General Hugo used to be a politician. It figures! After our last mission's success, we got the nickname "The Young Lions Of Alistel" among the citizens. He was worried about this because of another soldier named Viola who had gotten similar acclaim that exceeded Hugo's. He then promoted her to get her out of the way of his own fame. Raul advised us to fight well in the war but to also keep the "post-war" in mind, which he believes will test our true strength.

Rosch gathered the brigade to get ready for the mission. He asked if I was ready and I said hold on. I'm still looking for a chance to get in on that sword dancing training from Kiel! It didn't seem like now was the time. After this we moved on with the mission.

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