Thursday 15 March 2018

26 radiant historia - i finally learn sword dancing!

Dear Readers,

Historia was its usual peaceful self. It's a far cry from the Sand Fortress, which was now all ablaze and covered in rubble and smoke from the explosions of the invaders. I sought the help of the Satyros I needed from the other timeline.

I went to the other timeline and... I didn't find an event that could trigger anything about getting help, so I returned, but went back in time to before the Sand Fortress got attacked.

It was peaceful right now so I went round and mingled with Viola's troops and looked for the bombs. I couldn't find them of course.

But then I met Kiel, who was practising his sword skills. I practised with him and after a brief time lapse fade out, our training was over. My Strike move's power was increased, which allowed me to break more obstacles on the field! Woo! I also finally learned sword dancing! Yay! :)

After this, I high-tailed it back to the other timeline to show off my new skills to the guards!

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