Friday 16 March 2018

27 radiant historia - aht and the big piggy

Dear Readers,

With my new sword dancing skills I went back in time to before the border guards stopped us from crossing.

Before that I found that I now had the ability to chop down those long vine things that sometimes had treasure chests behind them. Nice new ability to have in the field :)

When the guards stopped us I showed off my talents, asking them to stay still as it was dangerous. It was pretty satisfying to hear them yelp out of fear after being so gruff and smug earlier :) they were convinced and delighted to let us pass.

We decided to camp for the night. Vanoss and Liese set up camp while the rest of us went to look for firewood. Aht came along with us and she was very hyperactive! She gave me the ability of Mana Sight, which allows me to see hidden items! This'll be handy for finding the Sand Fortress bombs in the other timeline! :) she said I had a special gift of some kind and that's why I was able to learn it.

We ran around the Gran Plain looking for hidden Withered Branches. Aht made sure to tell me where I wasn't allowed to go and told me where else to look for branches as I was finding them. I guess the game is that story intensive but it is helpful. I was also still able to get the "level up!" event from defeating monsters but still couldn't go past the Lv20 cap.

On collecting the last branch in South Hill, Aht stopped to look at the view. Raynie and Marco talked about the gradual desertification and how Queen Protea's impure heart was causing it — at least, that was the word of the Prophet Noah and his mouthpiece General Hugo. Aht then got happy and excited about a "big piggy" that then attacked us!

The "big piggy" was a boar called Fumble and it took up four slots on the matrix. It had two Rare Mushroom cohorts. They were all weak against fire and the mushrooms were healers. I realised that I could scan every enemy after driving them all into one space! Very handy :)

After I won the battle I realised it was Aht that was levelling up haha! Oh well :) She was all excited about defeating the "huge piggy" and said she wanted to be as strong as us when she grows up. I asked Raynie to handle her from here. Yeah, my character seems pretty cold.

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