Friday 30 March 2018

30 zelda breath of the wild - watching bokoblins blow themselves up

Dear Readers,

I decided to attack the Bokoblin camp near Hateno Tower. Couldn't resist!

There was a Moblin there too. Some archers and... well to start with they threw explosive barrels at me but ended up hurting themselves in the process! I was able to deal with the rest pretty easily. They had a chest with an Opal in it. I plundered a good bunch of arrows too :)

Afterwards I took a walk on the road through Midla Woods and back to Hateno Village.

#304 Boko Spear
#179 Rushroom
#246 Woodcutter's Axe
#184 Hearty Radish

I found the hearty radish in the Retsam Forest.

I found my 7th Korok Seed by swimming to the island in the middle of Lake Sumac and climbing the big tree there. There was a rock up there.

I also hunted deer for Dantz. I managed to shoot 1! A new record :) I got some raw prime meat and he gave me a single rupee as well.

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