Friday 9 March 2018

20 radiant historia - count selvan and high colonel dias' dastardly plotting

Dear Readers,

I returned to Historia to speak with Lippti and Teo. This was just to continue the next chapter in this timeline as being part of Rosch's brigade. The scene then switched back to Queen Protea's throne room.

Queen Protea held a meeting with Count Selvan and High Colonel Dias. She was angry that the Sand Fortress had been taken back by us and their attack on the Alma Mine was foiled by us as well. They convinced her to believe that it was all bait to keep us occupied so they can work on their real plans. She accepted this and excused them.

Selvan and Dias went for a drink together.They noted how the Queen loved watching gladiators kill each other for her amusement and how she also loved to "worship the young boys in the choir". Yikes! They called her a wench too, so it didn't look like they thought much of her. They said they raised her to a queen from a commoner based on her beauty alone. They also spoke of Heiss and noted how he seemed to know and foil all their schemes before they carried them out. They resolved to do something to Alistel's supplies and thaumachines and also to take back the Sand Fortress.

The scene switched back to Raynie, Marco and myself in the pub. We were talking about Rosch and how he and I were best friends since we were in the brigade together. Raynie loved the idea of having that kind of camaraderie. Kiel then showed up to bring me to see Dr. Sonja. He also asked me to train him for combat sometime. Maybe soon I'll be able to ask him for sword dancing training too :) Raynie and Marco also finished up and left. Raynie teased Kiel about Dr. Sonja :)

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