Tuesday 6 March 2018

17 radiant historia - meeting aht the satyros and trying to sweet-talk the border guards

Dear Readers,

We reached the Gran Plain, but the area was crawling with guards.

We were wondering what to do without getting caught, when a young girl's voice called out for help. We went north and a decision came up to save her from two purple and green sabretooth tigers or to wait. I chose to save her and entered battle.

Both Sabretooth Tigers took up two horizontal spots on the matrix. They were weak to paralysis but we didn't have any moves like that. We just attacked them normally until they were defeated.

The girl came out of the bushes and thanked us and introduced herself as Aht. Strange name... Big strange ears and horns too. Otherwise she looked just like a young girl. Then I noticed her hooves. Is she a satyr or something? She was friendly though and introduced her friend Liese and her Uncle Vanoss. Marco noted that she was a Satyros... of course! She took an instant liking to me, but didn't speak to Marco or Raynie at all. All three of them made up the Vanoss Entertainment Troupe and were all members of the Satyros tribe.

We were about to leave when they offered to repay us for saving their lives. We arranged to dress up as part of their performing troupe in order to cross the border.

On crossing the border however, the guards stopped us anyway. I had to act friendly and prove to them that I was a performer. A choice came up to either abandon the idea or to force our way in. I chose to abandon the idea.

None of us got to pass... Raynie got a kick out of seeing me act so nice though. She had never seen it! We came up with the idea of sword dancing and Marco said he heard that a soldier in Lt. General Raul's brigade was skilled at sword dancing. Raynie said we didn't have enough time to do that though.

Just then, Lippti and Teo appeared! Also, not only was I able to see them, but Aht could see them too!

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