Sunday 11 March 2018

22 radiant historia - heiss' agent

Dear Readers,

With our new mission from Raul, we set off as part of Rosch's brigade to the Judgement Cliffs through the Lazvil Hills.

We got there and the others caught up. Some more dangerous monsters in Lazvil Hills this time and I was able to reach new areas since learning the bomb skill, but not everywhere. The bridge was fixed at least.

A man dressed as one of the soldiers came up to me... I knew it was Heiss' Agent. When I saw him, my face turned a different colour. The message he had for me was "...It's about time you came back. Play time's over. If you don't... you'll suffer the same fate as that brigade" Very ominous... I told him to relay my own message, to consider the offer declined as I didn't want to abandon the brigade right now.

He was also the informant for our mission. He said our destination was the Sand Fortress and we were to join Viola's unit under her command. When the informant/agent left Rosch spoke with me about it. He seemed favourable to the idea of joining Viola "The Valkyrie" but also seemed troubled as to the number of troops that were going there. He turned around to tell the brigade and wait for the rest to show up.

Raynie and Marco were suspicious of the informant. I agreed with them about tailing him towards Judgement Cliffs. Rosch seemed to be okay with any business we had to do, so the three of us went after the agent.

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