Wednesday 7 March 2018

18 radiant historia - searching in time for the master of sword dancing

Dear Readers,

Lippti and Teo asked me to consider Marco's sword dancing idea and going through Historia to learn it. I wasn't fond of the idea but they encouraged me.

Aht was the only other one who could see Lippti and Teo and wondered what was going on, but we didn't dwell on that for now. I went to Historia and went back in time to various nodes, but I had to go to the other timeline where the mine was blocked. This was the point where I had to decide between waiting in ambush or to send scouts for the explosives merchant. Since I had rescued him in the other timeline, I was confident now in sending scouts!

Rosch was surprised at how confidently I made this decision. Kiel went out and came back very soon with the merchant. The way was blown open and now we could proceed!

Rosch gathered the troops, who were hyped for victory with all the metaphors about them being the "purifying snow", but it was still their first battle... this was kind of worrying. It bothered Rosch as well. However, we kept their spirits up by saying stuff like "Let the Prophet Noah guide you!".

Further in the mine, we talked about other dangers that were up ahead like goblins. It was also here that I learned that Kiel was adept at sword dancing! This is my ticket!

I went to Historia again, and did other stuff like complete the "Accident In The Cave" quest in Lazvil Hills with my bomb skill. Got some items too. No opportunities came up for sword dancing, so I returned to our offensive in the mine again.

Going through the mine it rumbled a little and Rosch dropped an S bomb! That really surprised me! This game has earned the PEGI 12 rating and bad language logo! After this, I obtained a Heavy Mail in this area by moving explosive barrels around.

Raynie seemed bothered by something earlier but didn't mention anything. Then we had a cave in, separating us from the troops. Raynie was super spooked and it seemed like she had a bad experience in a mine before, but she didn't go into details. Kiel was more confident though and revealed that he used to work in a mine like this and knew his way around. I wonder when's the best time to ask him about sword dancing?

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