Sunday 18 March 2018

29 radiant historia - the demo ends on a shocking cliffhanger

Dear Readers,

We arrived in Granorg! Marco and Raynie expected the place to be in a better condition than this. We pressed on into the city to look for the agent.

Vanoss and Liese caught up with us. Poor little Aht was very sad and didn't want to say goodbye to me. She ran off before the rest of the troupe said goodbye to us too. We wished each other luck.

On our own again. We looked for the Alistellian agent and found him under an arch to the east. He said my orders were to assassinate the next in line to the throne, Princess Eruca. That was shocking...

I returned to Historia. Lippti and Teo told me in this game's own storytelling way that this was the end of the demo! At least for this timeline. I gotta say, this is a good cliffhanger! I'm definitely gonna continue this in the full game!

It's a pity there's so little stock of this game in physical form... Wish it was common enough to throw into my friend's supermarket trolley and tell them they'll thank me later!

Now to continue the other timeline to the demo's end...

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