Thursday 29 March 2018

29 zelda breath of the wild - clubbing moblins on the way to hateno tower

Dear Readers,

I did some more exploring out of Hateno Village. Wanted to take pictures of more stuff. I also wanted to map this region out so I headed towards the nearest tower.

#134 Yiga Footsoldier

I encountered a Yiga Footsoldier! I completely forgot how to deal with him so he defeated me easily. Ah well. I was able to record him at least!

#015 Mountain Doe

I ate some stealth boosting food but I didn't move sneakily enough and it got away. Ah well.

#197 Courser Bee Honey

A Blue Bokoblin snuck up on me but the bees from this hive helped out!

#108 Moblin

I just took a picture of one from a distance. Didn't really want to face it.

#032 Blue Sparrow
#014 Mountain Buck
#195 Blue Nightshade - Stealth Boost
#196 Silent Princess - Stealth Boost

I had these stealth boosters on me but I dropped them to take pictures of them so I could sense out some more.

I decided to head to the big tower I could see from the village. I wanted a map of the area and I hadn't made any maps since I left the plateau! I fought many Bokoblins and Moblins too. I had to study the Moblin pattern a bit. It's very big and powerful and can swing a big club twice in a row! I gobbled up a lot of health replenishing food.

#383 Ore Deposit

Sensing these out will be very handy :)

#221 Boko Club

Strange how I hadn't snapped this before. It'll be handy in finding out if there are Bokoblins nearby. They use many kinds of weapons though.

I got near the top of the hill and found a cooking spot. I had loads of apples so I made lots of Simmered Fruit and Sneaky Steamed Fruit dishes! For some reason the latter sometimes came out a lot more nourishing. There was an extra chime in cooking too. Not sure why.

#183 Hyrule Herb

I reached Hateno Tower but it was covered in thorns. Setting them ablaze was tricky because the ground was very uneven and my torch kept going out. Eventually I had to use my last bit of flint and my last bit of wood to make a fire but I burned most of those thorns away!

I climbed the tower and manoeuvred around the remaining thorns the fire couldn't reach before I got to the top. I put my Sheikah Slate into the slot and I got a detailed map of this region, Necluda!

This was another thing I had forgotten — filling in bits of the map. I spent several minutes looking at detailed terrain and place names. Having names will help so much when blogging about areas!

I just have Necluda and the Great Plateau mapped out for now. It looks weird so I gotta fill in more :)

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