Tuesday 13 March 2018

24 radiant historia - meeting field marshal viola at the sand fortress

Dear Readers,

The scene then shifted to Rosch and his brigade. They were getting ready to move out to the Sand Fortress. We showed up and caught up with them. I told Rosch that we needed to talk...

I told him that both his and Raul's concerns were true, about the low numbers and the post-war, and that going to the Sand Fortress was no coincidence. Rosch was reassured and thanked me, though we still had orders to go there.

You know, I still know next to nothing about Heiss, but Stocke is very suspicious of him. I'm dying to know more! This game is a real page-turner, or whatever the video game narrative equivalent is :)

We arrived at the Sand Fortress. It was Kiel's first time seeing it. He still wasn't used to my quiet, stoic personality and the others reassured him about it. He kind of understood.

We went inside and met up with Field Marshal Viola, who needed to have a strategy meeting with Rosch. The rest of us went back to the brigade for now and told them to wait for us when we needed them.

A nice skit followed where Kiel talked about his admiration for Viola The Valkyrie, though he admired me even more! Marco and Raynie teased us about it. It was nice and light until I told them to knock it off and that no one should follow my example. All business as usual with my character!

Rosch and Viola's meeting was now over, so I went to them to see what we were to do next. Our new orders were to stay and defend the Sand Fortress, while Viola and her brigade were to advance an offensive on the Gran Plain against High Colonel Dias.

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