Friday 23 March 2018

3 kirby star allies - this game has an "unfriend" button!

Dear Readers,

I tried the demo levels again but this time I tried to find the Spider ability and to play as much as I can play as just Kirby.

I learned that this game has an "Unfriend" command! That's pretty amusing! It's also how I was able to do anything solo at all. Sometimes I have to have friends to solve puzzles though.

Facing the bosses solo is more fun as well. I don't feel like it's a Smash Bros. cartoon dust cloud of confusion anymore. Having the level of control where I can have as many or as few friends of any type is a nice thing. I didn't know I could do that before and I find it's more fun now. Having three Parasol Waddle Dees of different colours and going up against Whispy Woods is great fun :) I'm glad I have the freedom to apply that level of strategy.

Many of the ability combinations are just boosters in attack or elemental powers but ones like Chumbrella and the curling stone thing are pretty cool. I'm looking forward to learning about more of them.

Unfortunately I couldn't find the Spider ability anywhere in the demo. I tried to inhale two enemies at once to get it in the "MIX" roulette thing but that doesn't work at all sadly. No "MIX" in this game.

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