Monday 19 March 2018

30 radiant historia - disarming the bombs in the sand fortress

Dear Readers,

Having exhausted the demo for one timeline, I went back to the other with my new hidden object finding powers.

When I got to Historia, Lippti and Teo gave me yet another new power due to having this White Page. Turns out it's from the White Chronicle! That's why Aht could see them before :)

I learned Mana Burst. I can use it to stop an enemy from taking a turn and I can use it when the Mana Gauge is full. Also, everyone in my party can use it.

So I now have a big green Mana Gauge for each character... I gotta say it's a bit of an eyesore and I'm not sure if I like the game getting that bit more complicated with loyalty programme economics.

Afterwards I returned to "The Valkyrie" node to search for the hidden bombs in the Sand Fortress. They were easy enough to find and I found loads of hidden treasure chests too!

I let events play out to the point where the Sand Fortress got invaded. At least this time it wasn't all explodey and on fire!

We ran around the Sand Fortress kicking invader butt. My new hidden object finding powers also let me see invisible bear traps! They just appear in front of me now! I love this :) I caught some of the trap setters too! It was especially satisfying to kick their butts!

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