Saturday 4 August 2018

154 zelda breath of the wild - kicking butt at soh kofi shrine

Dear Readers,

I decided to take on the shrine near Lanayru Tower as well. It was called "Soh Kofi Shrine" and the trial was called "A Minor Test Of Strength". Another combat trial with a Guardian Scout!

Next to the shrine was a Zora named Torfeau. She asked if I was a Hylian and I said yes. She was delighted. She was another one of the Zoras instructed by Prince Sidon to look for me. She asked me to help them and meet the prince on Inogo Bridge. I'll do it... eventually! I'm glad the Zoras are so friendly and nice though :)

I went into the shrine to take on the combat trial. All it took was one flurry rush and whatever was left of my Ancient Battle Axe ++ to destroy it! Nice and easy :) It took a few tries and reloads to get that one flurry rush for some reason. But hey, it was a quick match!

There was a Knight's Bow in the chest but I decided to leave it here. I already had two of them and I was full up.

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