Friday 31 August 2018

181 zelda breath of the wild - hanging out at wetlands stable

Dear Readers,

I decided to hang out at Wetland Stable. I passed by here a bit quickly when I met Pikango here. It was nighttime when I arrived.

Kass was here doing his usual musical thing. He chatted a bit about shrines but that was it.

A guy named Yolero was swishing something at a wooden post. He asked if I was a wanderer and I said no. He said he didn't care who I was because he had found the legendary weapon. I said "Really?" and he dramatically revealed his "Master Torch". Haha, eejit :)

A little girl named Ami was asleep inside, as was a man named Quice, muttering in his sleep something about a beast and telling someone named Satty to save themselves.

Rumour Mill: Volume 5 was here. It boldly declared the existence of dragons and where they could be found. The source of the rumours were from children. The rating was 4/5.

Okay, I'm convinced now. I'm the only one who can see these dragons! Maybe some other key characters can see them too but for now I'm the only one!

On the wall there was a recipe that used a Lizalfos Horn and an Electric Darner. I cooked up an Electro Elixir using these.

In the morning I chatted with Ami. She was bummed out because her brothers Izra and Yolero get to play all day long, but she had to stay and give directions, according to the stable rule book! I asked about the east and she said Zora's Domain. I asked about the west and she said Hyrule Castle and also mentioned the secret East Passage that was used by the royal family. I asked about the north and she said Death Mountain and some other junk. No south option but she offered the prompt afterwards. She said she didn't know and to ask at Riverside Stable.

Quince was behind the stable with the dog. He was bummed out that the only people he saw here were men. He mentioned someone named Satty so I asked him about him. He told me a story about what sounded just like Satori Mountain. He met this dog whom he named Satty on the mountain. He gave him some food and went for a nap. When he woke there was a big glowing creature in front of him about to charge and Satty barked to scare it away. They've been buds ever since. That's nice :)

Quince was also grumpy for some reason. I asked him about it. He was looking at the rainclouds in the east, how they were always there and that rain makes him grumpy. Why was he always gazing out at it then?

A man on horseback named Spoone was passing by. He was a doctor who had come across many monsters on the way here but he came out unscathed.

I followed a trail of smoke nearby. It was Tye and Sorelia and they had Bokoblin trouble again. Still on their Silent Princess quest.

Back at the stable, Cambo and his donkey were selling meat and vegetables.

I spent a bit of time maybe getting Quince to notice Leekah, since she was a woman, but he didn't notice her at all. Oh well.

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