Thursday 9 August 2018

159 zelda breath of the wild - mingling with friendly and not so friendly zoras

Dear Readers,

Before going with Prince Sidon to chat with King Dorephan, I decided to hang around and mingle with the Zora locals for a while. Many were very welcoming and friendly like I mentioned before, but I soon learned that not all of them were happy to see me...

I had a chat with the guards. The one named Rivan remembered me from 100 years ago and called me Master Link! He asked if I remembered him and I said I didn't. He's now over 130 years old. Wow... The Zoras live a long time then. He said I've aged unusually well for a Hylian and expected me to be dead by now. He was interrupted by his daughter Dunma, who was the guard on the opposite side of the entrance, reminding him of their duty. Rivan asked if I was going to fight Calamity Ganon again and seeing how I didn't remember, offered information about various things.

I asked Rivan about Lady Mipha. She was Prince Sidon's sister and fought alongside me 100 years ago. I asked about Trello, who was Rivan's father. He retired and is now in charge of the Champion Festival and bears the Ceremonial Trident now. He said I shouldn't speak with any of the elderly but I wasn't sure why...

I chatted with Dunma. I myself knew that she was female and younger but the game prompted me to ask about her gender and age anyway! She gave out to me about the age thing and just said she was less than 100 years old.

I continued on past them and met a green Zora with a hammer and chisel named Ledo. He was welcoming, but like the others was urging me to go see King Dorephan.

I chatted with Laflat by the statue of Lady Mipha. She said she was the chief secretary for the royal family and told me about the statue when I asked. She talked about how Lady Mipha was a great healer and healed the other Zoras when they needed her. Those particular Zoras were now among the elderly.

A kid named Tumbo was running around the statue. He said I had a weird face, weird to him because he had never met a Hylian before. He said his mother, Mei, has been missing since the water monster went nuts. Yikes... Another kid here named Keye wasn't as curious or open because his(her?) dad said not to talk to strangers.

#169 Fleet-Lotus Seeds
#065 Bright-Eyed Crab

Beyond the statue was Ne'ez Yohma Shrine and I activated the warp point. It was surrounded by the plants bearing these seeds and these crabs. There was a Silver Longsword behind it too. Handy.

A girl named Marot called out to me. She was like the ambassador for Marot Mart, comprising of the general store and workshop.

#053 Sizzlefin Trout
#052 Chillfin Trout

Some interesting status boosting fish being sold here. I chatted with Cleff, who ran the store. He said business wasn't doing great since travellers weren't visiting much lately.

A Goron named Reagah was in the workshop. He said Prince Sidon recruited him since was able to touch shock arrows. I chatted with him for a bit more. He talked about his home at Goron City, about Death Mountain, about eating rocks and how the sparkly gem ones tasted really bad. Really? What about the Goron Ruby from Ocarina Of Time? I wonder if that was an exception since it was a spiritual stone. When they had a famine Darunia had to take it with him so no one would eat it.

Dento the workshop owner was tinkering away and had his back to me. He was elderly and knew me. He wasn't at all happy to see me, saying that I was coming back like nothing happened. He didn't want to talk to me but answered a little about what he was doing which was trident maintenance.

Yikes... Rivan was right. The elderly didn't think much of me at all because of what happened with Mipha and me 100 years ago.

A guy named Fronk was going to bed. It was late I guess. He wasn't so chatty the next morning either.

I met Trello on the steps. He recognised me and wanted to teach me a lesson! He was busy trying to figure out what to do about Ruta though. I said I'd take care of it and he chastised me again, saying I had some nerve. He also said he dropped a trident but wouldn't talk more about it, calling me an unbearable Hylian brat. Yeesh...

Another elder named Seggin was stressed out over a shock arrow that was just laying around. Very dangerous to Zoras. He was muttering to himself, about proving himself to Lady Mipha. I distracted him and he too wasn't happy to see me! He wanted to avenge Lady Mipha by cutting me down! They all held me responsible for what happened in the fight against Calamity Ganon 100 years ago where she lost her life. He was very quixotic, being the Demon Sergeant and proclaiming that he'd use the shock arrows himself to destroy Ruta and alleviate Lady Mipha's regrets. Very quixotic indeed! He was trying to train himself to withstand touching shock arrows. Poor guy... I took the arrow and he got cross again and told me to take care of Ruta. I was glad to take on the task for him. Their story is pretty heartbreaking...

I went to the inn and met Kodah. She recognised me and called me Linny!  She was surprised to see that I was still alive and wanted to catch up with me. She was a little miffed at my not remembering her. She said that she told me to choose between her and Mipha 100 years ago! Wow! I was in high demand! She apologised for that and said that she was now married to Kayden and has a little girl named Finley together and that they were all very happy. Nice story and what a time trip! :) She did acknowledge the low opinion the elders had of me, who said that I had stolen Mipha away. Kodah however, and other Zoras like Rivan, don't believe that. Kayden then was behind the counter, running the inn. He recognised me too but didn't dwell on it. He was friendly to me too. :)

I found Chickaloo Tree Nuts on one of the pathways around here for some reason.

At the east gate I met the guard Gaddison, who also recognised me. We used to play all the time 100 years ago but now he was guarding the gate and maintaining surveillance of the East Reservoir Lake.

#361 Silver Shield
#209 Zora Sword

No one was standing guard at the west gate but I found this sword and shield there. I had trouble taking pictures of them as they were so close to one another. I used Magnesis to separate them as I wasn't sure about picking them up yet :P

A girl named Tula was running around in circles singing about Prince Sidon. She said she was the president of the Prince Sidon Fan Club! She asked if I heard of him and I said yes, which she was thrilled to hear. She had a major major crush on him! She didn't think much about the "pack of geezers" and their ideas. They wanted to fight Ruto by using the shock arrows themselves but Prince Sidon had the idea of recruiting outside help like me. I left her all wrapped up in her sighing and daydreaming :)

Nearby was Gruve! The guy I met on Lanayru Tower! :) He said he eventually dived into the river himself from the tower. Brave leap for him. He talked about diving and climbing waterfalls. He said his favourite spot to dive was Shatterback Point at the tip of Ploymus Mountain into the East Reservoir Lake. He warned me about the Lynel up there. I also learned from him that I could climb waterfalls by using special Zora armour that their princesses make. He was standing by a waterfall. For a moment I thought he dropped something but he was probably just thinking of diving.

I chatted with the elder Kapson, who was standing behind the staircase going up to the throne. He gave me a nice greeting, but then he recognised me. He too bore the pain of losing Lady Mipha, but he also believed in resenting the deed and not the person and forgiving the mistakes of the past... Wow! He then revealed that he was a priest and had now retired. He was at a loose end though and had nothing to do all day everyday, so he asked me to introduce any engaged couples to him. He wanted to marry one last couple. That's nice :) Weird how it didn't come up as a side quest or anything though. I also knew just the couple! I'll have to catch up with them again soon!

Tona recognised me from when we met at Zora River and was delighted that I came! She was a member of the Prince Sidon fan club! She said she was Cleff's brother. I learned about formal speech from her. She said that Zoras get more formal in speech when they get older, older than 100 and even older than 200 years old as a matter of pride.

A little girl named Laruta was singing a song about doing a trial and asked who I was. I said I was a Hylian and she seemed joyful, but said that Prince Sidon was much cooler. She was a younger member of the fan club :) I asked her about her song and she said she loved to sing. She sang about a scale of light, of Veiled Falls, and something about a trial. She must be singing about a spring :)

Torfeau recognised me from Inogo Bridge :) she was training and urged me to go see the king.

An elder named Jiahto was at the very back of the domain, reading one of those stone slabs I had seen on the way here. He said he was planning to record it all in a book. He then recognised me and gave out to me, telling me to get out of his sight. Yikes...

I glanced at the stone slab and some letters were worn away, but I gathered that I fought a Lynel, saved the Zora Domain and won the Zora Helm. It said the helm was now north of some ruins near some lake. I couldn't make out the text! Maybe I should read these after all... this one was part seven.

I spent a whole battery charge mingling in Zora's Domain! I ought to get going and chat with the king :)

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