Tuesday 28 August 2018

178 zelda breath of the wild - total recall! for real this time! remembering the awakening of princess zelda's power

Dear Readers,

I found the memory spot depicted in that painting on Impa's wall at last! Now to get recalling!

It was indeed at Fort Hateno, between two watery patches at the south part of Ash Swamp. Very glad to finally find it! I recalled the memory...

...Princess Zelda and I were surrounded by Guardians on the same stormy night we fled the castle covered in mud. She told me to run but I stood my ground, or at least I tried to. I was exhausted and battered from battle and was using the Master Sword to hold myself up. A Guardian was just about to zap me when she jumped in front of me and held her hand up. The Triforce symbol appeared on the back of her hand and a bright flash burst out. The Guardians then shut down and flopped to the ground. Unfortunately, I flopped to the ground too. She grieved over me until she noticed some kind of life from the Master Sword, indicating that I could still be saved. Just then, two Sheikah clan members ninja dashed to the scene. Princess Zelda then ordered them to take me to the Shrine Of Resurrection...

Coming out of the memory I could hear Princess Zelda's voice. She said I had now remembered everything between us from 100 years ago and that now was the time to face Calamity Ganon.

Now?! I still haven't done loads of quest stuff yet! Didn't free any of the Divine Beasts for example.

So yeah, that's how I ended up sleeping for 100 years. Lots of bad stuff happened but at least Princess Zelda realised her powers!

I went back to Impa now that I had visited all the locations. She told me that 100 years ago, the princess and I were quite close and that I was a comfort and encouraging presence to her as she struggled with her training. It was why she was able to keep fighting Ganon to this very day, all alone in Hyrule Castle. Ah... Zelda...

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