Sunday 5 August 2018

155 zelda breath of the wild - my first guardian stalker battles!

Dear Readers,

After fearing and avoiding them for so long, I decided to face some Guardian Stalkers! I warped to the Central Tower and sought them out.

I wanted to face my fear eventually, but I also wanted an Ancient Core drop. I drew over the one that was closest to the tower. My strategy was to deflect lasers back at it with shields. I failed quite a few times doing this and I had to reload as failing was very costly! Fail and shields get decimated and fairies have to be used immediately as well.

It felt so good to pull off though. When you deflect lasers back, it plays a soundbite that's not dissimilar in feeling to the one from the Batman TV series from the 1960s when they punch someone. Each deflection is a glorious celebration! After three successful deflections that's it! They're defeated :)

They drop so much stuff but Ancient Cores still seem to be rare and not guaranteed. I ran around the countryside looking for more of them to smash with their own lasers.

I fought another one nearby at Hyrule Garrison Ruins. After a few retries this one dropped an Ancient Core so woo! :)

Northeast of the ruins the roadside had a ruined wagon on the side with something hanging from it. I broke this and got my 49th Korok Seed.

I continued on this road and met another Guardian Stalker before long. I defeated it without having to reload so I was getting better at this! No Ancient Core drops though.

I continued more and before long I met another. Another perfect trio of deflections. Still no Ancient Core drops.

The one at the Sacred Ground Ruins I didn't have a lot of luck with though. Took a few reloads but I did defeat it in the end. Great for every drop besides Ancient Core.

I went into the Hyrule Castle Town Ruins, now that I had some new-found confidence. I fought a Decayed Guardian which didn't drop much and don't ever drop Ancient Cores but they only take one deflection to be defeated so that's nice.

Woke another Stalker, defeated it, no Ancient Core. Continued west because I started detecting a shrine. Another one detected me from a distance. I managed to sneak closer and eventually defeated it and this one dropped an Ancient Core :)

I continued west out beyond into Quarry Ruins and activated Katah Chuki Shrine. Found a chest up on the castle wall with 5 Fire Arrows in it too. I'll visit again later.

With enough Ancient Cores I warped back to Purah's lab and upgraded my Stasis to Stasis +. I'll be able to freeze enemies in time now!

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