Wednesday 1 August 2018

1 night in the woods - cosy first gameplay session during a power cut

Dear Readers,

Some time ago I had a power cut at home one night. It was the perfect chance to finally try out this game for myself on the Nintendo Switch!

I had no way of charging the console so I tried to get the most out of my session. I played in handheld mode, with airplane mode on and the brightness turned way way down. I usually play tabletop. It's fine in handheld mode but when playing Mae's bass guitar the right analogue stick gets in the way and I get all clumsy with pressing buttons. It's a great way to play this game otherwise.

Last year I was obsessed with this game. It had so much meaning and there was so much to relate to with regards to story, characters and themes. Adulthood isn't something you qualify for — it's something that eventually comes at you whether you're prepared for it or not. Suddenly you're worried if things are okay because it feels like things are falling apart. Just like the real world, the economy is depressed and here's Mae, wandering around town, which is a manifesto of suffering in current times. This game makes me want to babble :P

I watched Arin and Suzy of GameGrumps on the KittyKatGaming YouTube channel play this game. They got so far and stopped. Then I watched Ross and Holly play through the whole thing on the CommanderHolly channel. It was one of the things keeping me going in 2017. There's a lot to relate to in this game. It doesn't offer any answers to my problems but it does make me feel like I'm in good company and that I'm less alone.

I played up until the party before you have to drink to progress. That's where the battery was running out and I was happy to stop there. I don't drink in real life. I would've been happy just playing Demontower instead of going to the party! I did play quite a bit of that game during this session. I don't remember how far I got but it was pretty far.

Night In The Woods feels good to play and just wander around as Mae. I love the chatting but also the wandering around, doing those Super Mario 64 style triple jumps to find out about all the platforms I can land on and whether I can find any juicy world-building information.

I want to blog more about this game, though I know I'm hanging around a lot in Hyrule at the moment! I will someday, and I'll go more in depth on how I relate to stuff in the game as it turns up. Autumn would be a good time to play this game I'd imagine and it's already August!

Also, to date it's the only Nintendo Switch game I own that isn't available on cartridge. I would absolutely love a physical release with all the updates and stuff!

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